How to Create Your Section(s) on Kira

Learn how to create a section in Kira so you can dive into course content and explore the platform on a deeper level.

What is a Section?

Sections are offerings of a course. Think of it this way - if you're an algebra teacher, the course you use is "algebra" and the sections you create are for your class periods throughout the day.

How to Create a Section:

1. Start on the dashboard and go to Browse Course — accessible near the top right of the page

2. Select the course you want to teach and click + Create a Section.

2. Select the course you want to teach and click + Create a Section
3. Name your section (e.g. "Test section" or "Ms. Smith's Pilot Kira Class"). Make sure the course you want to teach is shown in the Course field
4. You can invite students immediately, or invite them later. See this article for how to invite students to your section. If you want to invite them later, click Skip for Now

5. Return to the dashboard to find your new section. You can also access your sections by clicking on the Sections icon on the left navigation bar
Create Section & Skip Adding Students-2

You can review section details here

Section POV

6. You can begin exploring teacher resources. For a deeper dive into teacher resources, check out this article. Teach