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Using the AI Tutor for Help

How to use Kira's AI tutor to help you work through the course

Kira's AI tutor is designed to assist you whenever you get stuck or can't figure out the correct answer. Here’s how to make the most out of it:

Getting Started with the AI Tutor

The AI tutor is available for problems involving the code editor. You can find it under the "Kira AI Tutor Beta" tab. This feature is specifically designed to guide you through coding challenges by providing step-by-step assistance.

AI Tutor

Managing Your AI Tutor Supports

Your teacher may limit the amount of support you get, typically providing a maximum of 10 supports. You can track the number of supports you have left by looking at the "tokens" counter in the AI tutor interface.


Tips for Effective Use of the AI Tutor

  1. Attempt the Problem First

    • Begin by trying to solve the problem on your own. This initial attempt is crucial for your learning process and helps you understand where you need assistance.
  2. Use Tokens Wisely

    • When you feel genuinely stuck, use the AI tutor. Choose the guidance that seems most relevant to your issue. Each token is valuable, so avoid using them for minor clarifications that you could figure out with a bit more effort.
  3. Read Thoroughly

    • Carefully read through the AI tutor’s notes and suggestions. The guidance provided is meant to help you understand the problem and how to approach the solution.
  4. Review and Apply

    • After reviewing the AI tutor's feedback, revisit your code and make the necessary adjustments. Applying the tips should help your code run correctly and deepen your understanding of the coding concepts involved.

Example Interaction 

I first attempted to solve the problem on my own and ran my code. After reviewing the feedback provided by the AI tutor, I carefully made the necessary adjustments and corrected my code. As a result, I successfully received credit for solving the problem!

Using AI Tutor in real time
