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  2. Learning with Kira

Understanding Your Course Progress

How to tell that you have completed all of the necessary steps in your course to move along in your lessons and units?

Kira courses are structured into units, lessons, and steps, with steps being the smallest component. If your teacher has enabled lesson or unit content locking, you must complete each step to progress through the course. Here are two primary ways to check if you've completed every step within a lesson:

Check for Green Check Marks on the Course Navigator

As you work through your course and complete each step, green check marks will appear on the left side of your screen in the course navigator. These check marks indicate that you've completed that step. If you're unable to move on to a new lesson or unit, review each step and make sure it has a green check mark next to it.

ReviewYour Grade Book

Another way to verify that you've completed each step is by checking your grade book. Open your grade book to see which steps have a score. If a step is missing a score and you see a dash, it may not be fully completed, and you may need to revisit it. 

Both of these methods help you easily identify which steps have been completed and which require further action to unlock and progress in your course.