Toggle Between Student & Teacher Views

Understand the Different Views in Kira Learning

The Kira Learning platform allows you to switch between teacher and student views. Each view offers unique features tailored to their respective roles. Knowing how to switch between these views and understanding what each view offers can enhance your experience and productivity on the platform.

Where to Find the Student and Teacher View

To toggle between student and teacher views:

  1. Click on Your Name: Locate your name at the bottom left corner of your screen and click on it

  2. Switch Views: If you have access to both types of accounts, you will see the option to switch between student and teacher views. Click on the desired view to switch

Teacher_Student Toggle, Zoomed


Important Tips

  • Check Your View: It's important to check which view you're in when you sign into your account. Permissions and available features differ significantly between the two views
  • Teacher View: Provides tools and features for teacher resources, managing classes, assignments, and student progress
  • Student View: Allows you to engage with course content, submit assignments, and track your learning progress

By familiarizing yourself with both views, you can maximize the potential of the Kira Learning platform and ensure you are utilizing all available features effectively