How to Adjust Section Settings

Adjusting your section settings lets you customize and manage your course sections. This guide offers step-by-step instructions, highlights key settings, and explains their importance.

Access Section Settings:

  • Click on the gear icon next to the section you want to adjust

Section Icons

Key Settings

  1. General Settings:
    • Section Name: Customize the name of your section 
    • Teachers: Add or change teachers for the section
    • Timezone: Set the timezone for the section

  • Content Locking: Control how students progress through the course content

    • Options: Module by module, lesson by lesson, step by step, or no locking
This tool ensures students follow the curriculum in a structured manner, preventing them from skipping ahead and missing crucial information. 


  • Set default due dates for assignments
 This helps keep students on track by ensuring timely submission of assignments, supporting time management and consistency

Kira AI:

  • Enable or disable Kira AI to help students with coding exercises
  • Set the maximum interactions per step (1-10)

Kira AI provides students with additional support, enhancing their learning experience and helping them overcome challenges in real-time. If you want to learn more about Kira AI, check out this article. 

Global Autograder Settings:

  • Adjust settings for the autograder, such as ignoring case sensitivity or whitespace

This tool helps make grading more fair and accurate by adjusting parameters to focus on students' understanding rather than formatting issues


Adjusting section settings helps you tailor the learning experience to meet the specific needs of different student groups. By customizing settings such as section name, content locking, assignment due dates, and enabling AI assistance, you create a structured and supportive learning environment that fosters student success.