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Grading & Assessing Student Progress

The Kira platform gives you all of the tools you need to evaluate your students’ work as they progress in their learning journey. Let’s take a closer look at the grade book and grading mode.

Accessing the Grade Book:

The grade book for a section can be accessed in two ways: 
    • From the home page: click the grade book button in the left navigation bar.
    • From the class view: open the class view of a section, then click the grade book button in the bottom of the left navigation pane.
  • The grade book shows student grades in the selected section. 
    • Expand the course metrics tab to see section average, median, and total score for each module, lesson, and step.
    • Click on the unit column headers to expand the grade book to show lessons, and click on lesson column headers to expand the grade book to show steps. You can also modify the expanded view using the buttons in the top right.
    • Use the filter drop downs to change the course and sections shown in the grade book. Multiple sections of the same course can be shown together.
    • The grade book can show grades as points, percent, or show a heat map of student progress.
    • Sort the grade book by student first name or last name.
    • Click on a cell in the grade book to enter grading mode. You can also click the Grade Now button in the top right corner. 

Grading Mode:

Grading Mode lets you see student submissions, provide feedback, and modify grades. 
  • Enter grading mode by clicking the Grading Mode button in the left navigation, or by clicking Grade Now in the grade book. 


In grading mode, you can do the following:

  • Modify student grades and leave feedback. Please note, students won’t see feedback until you release their grades. You can release grades for individual students, specific assignments, or choose to release everything you've graded all at once. 
  • Ask students to resubmit if you want them to redo an activity. Their new submissions will show as activities to grade. 
  • Use the filter drop downs to change the course and sections shown in the grade book. Multiple sections of the same course can be shown together. 
  • Use the Needs Grading filter to show only those submissions you haven’t graded. 
  • Group activities by student or by assignment. Grouping by student is a great way to quickly find all of the submissions by a particular student.