What is Section Content Locking?

This feature enables you to control the furthest step your students can access in the course, referred to as the “locked step.” You have the flexibility to set different locked steps for individual students or apply the same locked step across a sect

Where can you find the section content locking feature?

You can find this feature in the teacher view of a given section. You can get to this view by clicking “Teach” in a section in your teacher dashboard, as shown below.

How can you use this feature?

You can follow the steps below to use this feature. 

  1. Click on the top of the left navigation bar. You will notice that the default value before you change anything is “All steps unlocked.” In order to change this, simply click on that button, as shown below:
  2. After  you click this, you will be shown the following pop-up  which will allow you to change the locking setting. Here you can set different locks for different students or the same lock for all students in a section or across all sections of a course. 

    If you update the locking setting for an entire section, then the top of the left navigation will change from “All steps unlocked” to whatever you have changed the setting too. You can change the locks at any time.

  3. You can search for the name of the specific step you want to set the locking at, or you can choose directly from the dropdown below where it says “Locked step for section.”

  4. You can also set different locks for different students as shown below, by clicking “Customize locking for a student.” You can change the lock any time!

What will the locking setting look like for students?

Any step that is locked for a student will have a “lock” symbol next to the title of the step as shown below. If there is a lock symbol next to a step, then the student will not be able to access that step.

What is the difference between these and the setting in section settings that allows you to control course progression?

The setting in section settings (which you can access by clicking the three vertical dots that show up next to a section in your teacher dashboard as shown below) allow you to control the course progression. We have updated the description of that setting to make the distinction between this locking feature more clear.