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Change Student Sections via Rosters

Your student changed class sections, and now you can move their progress on the Kira platform.

Moving Student Sections for a Single Teacher

We realize that throughout the year, students may shift their enrollment in a course section for a variety of reasons. Because of this, we've given you the power to move a student to a new section on the teacher side of the Kira Platform!

Simply login and click the 'Roster' button on the left hand navigation panel. Then, select a student by clicking the checkbox next to their name. You'll see a pop up at the bottom of the page that says 'Switch Section.'

Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 9.15.21 AM

You can only transfer students to a section of the same course. This is because all of their progress, submissions, grades, etc will transfer with them. If a student is enrolled in a brand new course, they must start from the beginning.

A few things of note:

1. Right now, teachers can only switch students in sections they own; so, for example, Ms. Morgan could not transfer a student into Ms. Mulhern's class, even if the students are in the same course. If you need this done, please reach out to support@kira-learning.com so we can assist!

2. If you are using an LMS Integration (Clever, Classlink, Schoology, Canvas, etc) to roster students, you must also make the switch in your LMS roster. Otherwise, if the student needs to be in Section 1 but is still in the LMS roster for Section 2, they will be moved back to Section 2 whenever the LMS syncs.

3. And a final reminder: this can only be done for students taking the same courseA student can move between two High School Intro to CS in Python courses, but could not between the High School course and the Middle School Introduction to Computational Thinking course.

We hope to continue to add to the teacher powers and features on the teacher side of the platform to make your teaching life easier - stay tuned for future updates!